FTSolution for APT® V3.1.1
Product News: June 14, 2023
We are pleased to announce release V3.1.1 of FTSolution for APT® which includes the following new features:
- The new Live Compare feature finds differences between the logic in the PLC and the project source code stored either locally, or in a version stored in FTVersionTrak. This feature requires full installations of both, FTSolution and FTVersionTrak
- The PLC signature, which includes unique compile information of the program in the PLC, can be viewed.
- Project source code files are automatically saved upon successful compilation.
- Project source code files are automatically saved upon successful download.
- FTVersionTrak features are added to Solution Explorer right-click context menus.
- The Source Code Only user interface in the Archive Solution feature is improved.
Click here to view the complete V3.1.1 version details.
Click here to view the features and solutions implemented in V3.1.0 (released last month to a test base) which are also NEW in latest version V3.1.1.
This new version of FTSolution for APT®, available for free download from FasTrak’s website, can be immediately installed and used if your license is covered by a maintenance agreement. If you need help to determine the maintenance status of your license or if you are interested in FTSolution for APT® software, do not hesitate to contact our sales team.
Detailed information about FTSolution for APT® software and its Options is also available on our website, just click here.
Downloading this latest version requires a login to FasTrak’s newly designed website which can be obtained by contacting FasTrak or simply by sending your request to us sales@napa.fr.
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